
Platonic dialectic
Platonic dialectic

platonic dialectic

platonic dialectic

Susan Koba and Anne Tweed describe Socratic dialogue as 'the conversation that results from the Socratic method, a discussion.

Platonic dialectic series#

Second, Plato’s extended contrast between dialectic and dianoetic helps to flesh out the nature of dialectic and the method of hypothesis. In rhetoric, Socratic dialogue is an argument (or series of arguments) using the question-and-answer method employed by Socrates in Platos Dialogues. First, the upward confirmation path of the method of hypothesis () must be pursued until one reaches “the unhypothetical first principle ( archê) of everything,” which is identified with the Form of the Good. The claim would thus be that arguments originating in dialectical bouts are adapted to a variety of aims within Plato’s dialogues (inasmuch as this is feasible), and that this tradition was based on the kindred idea that dialogues serve a variety of purposes, pointing precisely to the diversity of uses of dialectic itself within Plato’s. The chapter focuses on two features of this elaboration. Its omnipresence in the Platonic corpus reveals how central the dialectical method, which aims at the highest objects of human knowledge, is for Plato. In the Line, Plato describes in some detail a method of learning, which has come to be known as dialectic by distinguishing it from its near cousin, which is labeled “dianoetic.” The dialectical method that emerges is an elaboration and development of the method of hypothesis. These books contain the images of the Sun, the Line, and the Cave, as well as the description of the education of the future philosopher-rulers. Platonic Dialectic: The Path And The Goal What Is A God According To Plato Victorinus, Parmenides Commentaries And The Platonizing Sethian Treatises. New Perspectives on Platonic Dialectic will appeal to scholars and advanced students interested in Plato, ancient philosophy, philosophical method, and the history of logic.The final chapter turns to Plato’s description of dialectic in Republic 6 and 7. Collectively, the chapters challenge the now prevailing understanding of Plato's ideal of method. They examine the ways in which these procedures are related to each other and other aspects of his philosophy, such as ethics, psychology, and metaphysics. Its 13 chapters present a comprehensive picture of this crucial aspect of Plato's philosophy and seek to clarify what Plato takes to be proper dialectical procedures. This volume offers fresh perspectives on Platonic dialectic.

platonic dialectic

Socrates’ Dialectical use of Hypothesis Hayden Ausland 2. Table of Contents Introduction Jens Kristian Larsen, Vivil Valvik Haraldsen, and Justin Vlasits 1. Most studies of Platonic dialectic accordingly focus on only one aspect of this method that allegedly characterizes one specific period in Plato's development. Kp New Perspectives on Platonic Dialectic av Jens Kristian Larsen, Vivil Valvik Haraldsen, Justin Vlasits. That is to say, it is only after presenting the Stoic definition that Alexander introduces the Platonic notion of dialectic, followed by the notion of. New Perspectives on Platonic Dialectic will appeal to scholars and advanced students interested in Plato, ancient philosophy, philosophical method, and the history of logic. to mean 'the ideal method', whatever that may be" (Richard Robinson). Thaning argues that Gadamers interpretation of Platonic dialectic should be regarded as a double response aimed at answering the. crisis in Socratic dialectic which the Platonic Socrates himself does not resolve. They characterize and imbue intellectual experience with an excitement, a kind of intellectual 'fun,' that shows itself through the avid reader-responses the Dialogues still command. According to a now prevailing view it is a method for inquiry the conception of which changed so radically for Plato that it "had a strong tendency. and the philosopher there is, Plato teIls us, an interval which. The 'novelties' devised by Socratic dialectic and Platonic dialogical art are representations of the creative, artistic aspect of philosophy. Few will dispute this claim, but there is little agreement as to what Platonic dialectic is. For Plato, philosophy depends on, or is perhaps even identical with, dialectic.

Platonic dialectic